Aól (MTI hírből):
Bizalmas politikai és gazdasági információk, értesülések a feladó kilétét titokban tartva terjeszthetők a WikiLeaks elnevezésű új szolgáltatás útján. Az oldal létrehozói elsősorban politikai aktivistákra gondoltak, és céljuk az, hogy a másként gondolkodó embereket, újságírókat ne lehessen börtönbe dugni azért, mert elektronikus levélben érzékeny iratokat, értesüléseket továbbítanak.
A weblapot alkotói elsődlegesen Kína, Oroszország, és Eurázsiában, a Közel-Keleten és a Szahara alatti Afrikában sokfelé létező elnyomó rezsimek lakóinak szánják, de nem korlátozzák, bárki a világon kiteregetheti rajta a kormányok vagy nagyvállatok szennyesét.
A szokásos elektronikus levelek és információk forrása kinyomozható, mert a továbbított adatcsomagokban benne van annak számítógépnek a világhálós címe (IP), ahonnan érkezett. Hogy mégse lehessen kinyomozni a forrást, WikiLeaks egy névtelenséget biztosító összeköttetési módszert használ, az úgynevezett Onion Router (Tor) protokollt. Itt a nyomokat úgy mossák el, hogy az információ titkosítva vándorol sok kiszolgáló között.
Ezt a levelet kapta a weblapot alkotói elsődlegesen Kína, Oroszország, és Eurázsiában, a Közel-Keleten és a Szahara alatti Afrikában sokfelé létező elnyomó rezsimek lakóinak szánják, de nem korlátozzák, bárki a világon kiteregetheti rajta a kormányok vagy nagyvállatok szennyesét.
A szokásos elektronikus levelek és információk forrása kinyomozható, mert a továbbított adatcsomagokban benne van annak számítógépnek a világhálós címe (IP), ahonnan érkezett. Hogy mégse lehessen kinyomozni a forrást, WikiLeaks egy névtelenséget biztosító összeköttetési módszert használ, az úgynevezett Onion Router (Tor) protokollt. Itt a nyomokat úgy mossák el, hogy az információ titkosítva vándorol sok kiszolgáló között.
Subject: Unauthorized Use of Copyrighted Materials
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 07:40:22 +0000 (GMT)
Dear Legal:
Our office represents Religious Technology Center ("RTC"), the owner of the confidential Advanced Technology of the Scientology religion and the holder of exclusive rights under the copyrights applicable to the Advanced Technology materials. The Advanced Technology materials are unpublished, copyrighted works. RTC's works include, among others, the individual works comprising levels known as "NOTs," "OT II," and "OT III." These works are registered with the United States Copyright Office under registration numbers TXu 257 326 and 257 527, TXu 303 388, and TXu 290 496.
Someone has placed RTC's Advanced Technology works on's website without the authorization of our client. These infringements can be found under the following URLs:
Church of Scientology collected Operating Thetan documents - Wikileaks
Please be advised that your customer's action in this regard violates United States copyright law. Accordingly, we ask for your help in removing these works immediately from your service.
Under the U.S. Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. § 106, it is unlawful to reproduce or distribute someone else's copyrighted work without that person's authorization. See, BMG Music v. Gonzalez, 430 F.3d 888 (7th Cir. 2005) (acknowledging that posting copyright materials on the Internet constitutes copyright infringement citing In re Aimster Copyright Litigation, 334 F.3d 643, 645 (7th Cir. 2003).
Indeed, courts have entered numerous permanent injunctions and awarded statutory damages and attorneys' fees regarding infringement of these and similar works. For instance, a jury in the United States District Court in San Jose, California awarded RTC $75,000 in statutory damages, and statutory attorney's fees and a permanent injunction were imposed against a Mr. Henson for posting one of the NOTs works on the Internet. A Virginia United States District Court granted RTC judgment for damages, costs, and a permanent injunction related to similar wholesale copyright infringement, in addition to permanent injunctions that were entered in another three copyright cases related to similar infringements in the United States.
Likewise, a Swedish court enjoined a defendant who engaged in infringements of these same Advanced Technology works, in addition to finding that his actions in placing those works on the Internet violated our client's rights under Swedish copyright law. RTC v. Panoussis, Judgment of the Stockholm District, Division 7, case T-7-886-96. He was
also fined for his illegal actions and ordered to pay litigation costs. The decision by Stockholm District Court was upheld on appeal.
We also ask that you preserve any and all documents pertaining to this matter and this customer, including, but not limited to, logs, data entry sheets, applications -- electronic or otherwise, registrations forms, billings statements or invoices, computer print-outs, disks, hard drives, etc.
I have a good faith belief, and in fact know for certain, that posting copies of these works through your system was not authorized by my client, any agent of my client, or the law.
I declare under penalty of perjury that this information is accurate and that I am authorized to act on behalf of RTC in this matter.
I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter.
Ava Paquette
Moxon & Kobrin
3055 Wilshire Boulevard
Suite 900
Los Angeles, California 90010
Tel: (213) 487-4468
Fax: (213) 487-5385
Röviden összefoglalva: a feltett OT-szintek anyagai szerzői jogokat sértenek, vagy leszedik, vagy per lesz.
A WikiLeaks válasza:
Sunday April 05, 2008
Scientology, a notorious cult that includes Hollywood actors Tom Cruise and John Travolta as followers, has threatened the transparency group Wikileaks, demanding that it remove key "unpublished, copyrighted" Scientology documents from its website which reveal, among other matters, the cult's belief in a galactic overlord.
The March 27 letter, from the cult's Los Angeles lawyers, Moxon & Kobrin also asked, in an apparent attempt to trace the source of the materials, that Wikileaks preserve any related records, "..not limited to, logs, data entry sheets, applications -- electronic or otherwise, registrations forms, billings statements or invoices, computer print-outs, disks, hard drives, etc.". However, Wikileaks site, by design, keeps no logs of its submissions from whistleblowers, or even of its readers.
The cult's lawyers presented Wikileaks with a list of copyright registrations for its secret "religious technology" made with the United States Copyright Office and some examples of international court cases related to previous successful Scientology attacks on the critics over its materials. While confirming the long history of Scientology's abuse of the legal system to suppress material embarrassing to the cult, these tactics are clearly are aimed at putting pressure on Wikileaks to remove the content.
The documents, described by Ava Paquette of Moxon & Kobrin, as "unpublished, copyrighted", are owned by the Religious Technology Center (RTC), which according to the statement is the owner of "confidential Advanced Technology of the Scientology religion", and the secret "bibles" of the cult.
The content, consisting of typed as well as hand-written pages by cult founder, the late science fiction author and con-man L. Ron Hubbard, describes OT "levels" I-VIII as well as related "NOTs" and other aspects of cult dogma and operations. The public is usually introduced to the cult through its "free stess test" stalls, L. Ron Hubbard's book 1950's pseudo-science book "Dianetics", or fronts such as NarcAnon and the Citizens Commission on Human Rights. Cult members are normally thoroughly indoctrinated before they are introduced to the higher "bibles", such as "OT-III", which describe all human problems as having being caused by an evil galactic overlord, Xenu, 75 million years ago. While parts of the material have appeared in various forms previously, before being rigorously suppressed by the cult, others are believed to have not previously appeared.
Wikileaks will not comply with legally abusive requests from Scientology any more than Wikileaks has complied with similar demands from Swiss banks, Russian off-shore stem cell centers, former African Kleptocrats, or the Pentagon. Wikileaks will remain a place where people of the world may safely expose injustice and corruption. Indeed, in response to the attempted suppression, Wikileaks will release several thousand pages of Scientology material next week.
Röviden: nem vesszük le, hanem még többezernyi dokumentumot nyilvánosságra hozunk. Az vicces, hogy az egyházat az orosz offshore őssejtkutató központokkal és volt afrikai kleptokratákkal egy etikai kategóriába sorolja (nem is alaptalanul!)
Személyes komment: az egyház egyszer már nagyot szívott egy ugyanilyen üggyel, Fishman-nel. Úgy látszik, megint címre mennek a pofonért....
A WikiLeaks válasza:
Sunday April 05, 2008
Scientology, a notorious cult that includes Hollywood actors Tom Cruise and John Travolta as followers, has threatened the transparency group Wikileaks, demanding that it remove key "unpublished, copyrighted" Scientology documents from its website which reveal, among other matters, the cult's belief in a galactic overlord.
The March 27 letter, from the cult's Los Angeles lawyers, Moxon & Kobrin also asked, in an apparent attempt to trace the source of the materials, that Wikileaks preserve any related records, "..not limited to, logs, data entry sheets, applications -- electronic or otherwise, registrations forms, billings statements or invoices, computer print-outs, disks, hard drives, etc.". However, Wikileaks site, by design, keeps no logs of its submissions from whistleblowers, or even of its readers.
The cult's lawyers presented Wikileaks with a list of copyright registrations for its secret "religious technology" made with the United States Copyright Office and some examples of international court cases related to previous successful Scientology attacks on the critics over its materials. While confirming the long history of Scientology's abuse of the legal system to suppress material embarrassing to the cult, these tactics are clearly are aimed at putting pressure on Wikileaks to remove the content.
The documents, described by Ava Paquette of Moxon & Kobrin, as "unpublished, copyrighted", are owned by the Religious Technology Center (RTC), which according to the statement is the owner of "confidential Advanced Technology of the Scientology religion", and the secret "bibles" of the cult.
The content, consisting of typed as well as hand-written pages by cult founder, the late science fiction author and con-man L. Ron Hubbard, describes OT "levels" I-VIII as well as related "NOTs" and other aspects of cult dogma and operations. The public is usually introduced to the cult through its "free stess test" stalls, L. Ron Hubbard's book 1950's pseudo-science book "Dianetics", or fronts such as NarcAnon and the Citizens Commission on Human Rights. Cult members are normally thoroughly indoctrinated before they are introduced to the higher "bibles", such as "OT-III", which describe all human problems as having being caused by an evil galactic overlord, Xenu, 75 million years ago. While parts of the material have appeared in various forms previously, before being rigorously suppressed by the cult, others are believed to have not previously appeared.
Wikileaks will not comply with legally abusive requests from Scientology any more than Wikileaks has complied with similar demands from Swiss banks, Russian off-shore stem cell centers, former African Kleptocrats, or the Pentagon. Wikileaks will remain a place where people of the world may safely expose injustice and corruption. Indeed, in response to the attempted suppression, Wikileaks will release several thousand pages of Scientology material next week.
Röviden: nem vesszük le, hanem még többezernyi dokumentumot nyilvánosságra hozunk. Az vicces, hogy az egyházat az orosz offshore őssejtkutató központokkal és volt afrikai kleptokratákkal egy etikai kategóriába sorolja (nem is alaptalanul!)
Személyes komment: az egyház egyszer már nagyot szívott egy ugyanilyen üggyel, Fishman-nel. Úgy látszik, megint címre mennek a pofonért....